home Klaas Sportel  (1923-2011)
gehuwd  (1949)  met  Jantje Feikens (1923-2004)

Klaas Sportel
Klaas, Jantje  en  hun kinderen. Datum onbekend.
I  met  Mr. Klaas Sportel back in 2009, and wrote him as a penpal for some time. I'm sad to hear that he passed in 2011 (although I figured this may have been the case, since I ceased receiving any replies from him around then). Mr. Sportel was a kind and helpful man. As an American, I was searching for info regarding my ancestry in Midwolda. He invited me into his home, and helped me connect with anyone and everyone who he knew that could help me with my research. I feel so grateful that I was able to meet this wonderful man. I have a photo that he sent to me, which he was very proud of, showing him with his wife and children. I thought I could pass this on to you, and you could publish this with any of the info about him and his family for the tree. He was a wonderful person who deserves to be remembered, and I hate to think that this photo is just sitting in my inbox when it could be attached to his ancestry page. Heather Hendrix Russell

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